teaching english to lil cuties--esl tips, tricks, and stories

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

game: charades

i don't think this one needs a full game write up as it's pretty basic and we all know how to do it. but the kids really love charades.
this works for age groups of 4 and up, but you really need to help the children out sometimes so that they can come out of their shell. if you have a classroom full of shy children, having the teacher act out the words as well helps them to feel more comfortable--after all, they can just copy the movements that you are doing.
it also helps if you pick a theme that you are working with, for example, "animals" or "verbs"; and it's often good if you have little cards that have an idea on them. we have a great board game at the school that is basically charades. it has many cards that the children can choose from. this helps them because they don't have to worry about coming up with their own idea of what to act out.
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