teaching english to lil cuties--esl tips, tricks, and stories

Sunday, May 07, 2006

easy craft ideas for 2 year olds

one of the hardest things about working with very young children is that if you want them to take home a craft that looks really nice, you're going to have to do a lot of the work yourself. but here are 5 quick ideas that you can do almost any time and which require little preparation:
1. painting with an alternative paintbrush. instead of letting them paint with a paintbrush or their fingers, use something a bit more unexpected. cotton balls, sponges, q-tips, and crumpled balls of newspaper are all fun to work with and give a very different look to the finished piece.
2. make a "feelie book". this is a craft that spans a few days. each day, have the kids glue something that has a different type of texture. fuzzy, smooth, crinkly, hard, and soft are all examples, but of course you can come up with your own. after they have made each of the pages, staple the book together.
3. rainbow crayons--take three or four crayons and stick them together with a rubber band. when the kids use them, it makes a rainbow with just one stroke.
4. mixing colors. teach kids about how mixing colors together produces a whole new color. put a small glob of yellow and red paints on their paper (or red and blue; or blue and yellow; you get the idea) and have them paint as usual. ask them if they notice a new color on their paper.
5. coloring. it's always a good idea to have a few different coloring pages lying around that you can always pass out to the kids that want to color a picture. (or draw their own on the back.)
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