teaching english to lil cuties--esl tips, tricks, and stories

Monday, March 27, 2006


saturday was our semi-annual picnic and i think it went pretty good. we started off with a mini lesson that involved some games with the parents. it was fun and went well and the kids spoke some english, which made me happy because sometimes they all speak in class but sometimes they get too shy to speak when they are around their parents.
then we got to watch a bit of the performances by the kids at the other school's location. and then our kids got to perform.
they looked super cute wearing tissue paper flowers on each wrist and each ankle and one on their head. they had a really hard time separating from their parents to go on stage which was pretty rough cuz it mostly meant that the kids just kind of stood there crying instead of doing the dance that they were supposed to be doing. however, they still looked pretty cute and i don't think that any of the parents were disappointed.
i think this whole picnic deal is quite a bit more stressful for all the teachers who teach any grade higher than mine. they are more expected to show off what the kids have learned, but the kids sometimes get stressed out by performing in front of their parents. however, since i teach the baby class, all anyone expects from me is that they look cute. so mission accomplished.
i was also proud of myself because for the picnic lunch i made onigiri...rice balls stuffed with something. it was my first time making them and they came out pretty good. i used a rice mix-in that has a bunch of different types of rice. you mix it with plain white rice. but one of the kinds of rice is a black rice, which, when you mix it with the white rice, turns it into a purple rice. and then i pur some edamame in the middle. came out real pretty and yummy. this is cool because, despite living in japan, i'm not a huge rice eater and so when i do make up some rice, i often have a lot of leftover that goes to waste. now i'll just make up some of these whenever i have some extra.
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