i've been getting some google hits from people who are looking for lesson plans, so i thought i'd give out the lesson plan that i use daily.
kids this age need a lot of repetition. the first part of my lesson is the same every day. but the kids never get tired of it, and it really helps them to gain confidence because they know what is coming and hear the correct answers every day.
here you go:
1. hello song--i change this every few months
2. short conversation--i pick a conversation question/answer each month and ask every kid the same question every day (except one month when i was trying to get them to listen for the difference between "how are you?" and "how OLD are you?"). these are simple questions such as "what's your name?" "how are you?" "what color do you like?"
3. attendance--i have a board on the other side of the classroom. one part is "home" and one is "school". at the beginning of the day, all students start out at the "home" side. during this time, i call them one at a time, to run to the board and move their name to the "school" side. each student's name is written on a colored shape, so if they don't know which is theirs i can say "you are the red circle." students typically learn which shape is theirs after about a week.
4. weather--i have a picture board that has 4 different types of weather--sunny, cloudy, rainy, and snowy. we review all of the different types and then i ask what the weather is like today. every day, one child gets to stick the "today is..."sticker on the weather.
5. days of the week song
6. ABC song--the CD i have goes through the song twice. the first time, i use my pointer to point to the different letters of the alphabet; the second time, i call up one of the kids to point to the letters (they don't do it right, but thye really like it)
7. simple vocab--colors, shapes, counting, letters
8. harder vocab--animals, food, emotions, household objects, etc.
9. singing and dancing--every month i pick out 4-6 songs that we do every day. we start with standing songs, then move on to sitting songs.
10. smile time--students who were good during lesson receive a smile in their book and a hug from the teacher.
Tags: esl, esl lesson plan, preschool lesson plan, lesson plan
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