teaching english to lil cuties--esl tips, tricks, and stories

Thursday, October 05, 2006


i had thought that eventually i would just delete this blog. the new site that i am using has a blogging feature, but i don't want to take the time to learn how to use it to do what i want to do. i'd rather spend that time creating new content for that site.
so for now i think i'm still going to use this blog for stories about my teaching.
the kids have been driving me right up a wall lately. i hate to admit that i'm losing my patience, but i am. basically, 11/12 of my kids are ready to move up to the next class level. they're opening a new class at the school, and i had been hoping that a large majority of them, if not all, would be able to move up. but i just found out today that only 5 will move up. the rough part is that it's probably going to go by age and the ones who are oldest are not quite the ones who's english is the best and/or who are most ready to move up. that's not to say that i don't think that they will do good in the class, cuz i do, it just means that i am going to end up with a class where half of the kids are older, independent (e.g. potty trained), and proficient in english (for 2 year olds), and the other half are literally going to be little babies. i'm going to have to do a lot of research about handling a class with such different levels.
but i'm happy to start getting more younger kids. they're the ones that i really like. they don't fight as much. haha.
i also got a bit of a promotion at work. in addition to teaching my regular classes, i'll also be developing curriculum and generally be in charge of the youngest two levels of classes. that's pretty exciting.
shannon sensei