sorry all!!
man, color me embarassed. i tried to post an update a long time ago, but my computer is almost dead (need a new power cord and no money to buy one), so i had to use my husband's computer. his is all in japanese and i couldn't for the life of me figure ot how to change blogger to display in english. i thought i had done all the right things, but turns out i selected "save as draft" instead of "publish post" and so nothing happened.
anyway, i am pleased to announce my new website, .
when i first started the blogger site i had hoped to provide a great resource for teachers. i like to think that i've provided some good information, but i know that the format is somewhat lacking and makes it hard to find good information. i came to the conclusion that a more traditional website would be a better way to reach my goals.
go easy on me please. the new site has only been active for a little more than a week. and it's not at all close to being finished. but i think it's a pretty good start so far.